A Guide to Female Intimate Waxing

Intimate waxing involves hair removal from the pubic region and can start from having a bikini shape to complete hair removal.

If you’ve never had it done before, you may well have some questions, so here is our beginners guide.


There are four basic shapes for intimate waxing:

Bikini Wax

bikini wax in Surrey

A standard bikini wax is a basic shaping of pubic hair into a neat upside-down triangle shape to the edge of the panty line.

Extended Bikini Wax

Extended Bikini Wax Epsom

An extended bikini wax takes the sides of the bikini line in deeper than a regular bikini wax leaving a more defined triangle with narrower edges.

Brazilian Wax

Brazilian Wax Banstead

A Brazilian wax takes away all the hair off the bikini line leaving a small strip on the front. Hair is removed from the front all the way round to the bottom area.

Hollywood Wax

Hollywood wax Banstead

The Hollywood wax removes all hair from the front, round to the bottom – complete hair removal.

What should I expect at my first waxing treatment?

For the Bikini area at Harmony within we only use Perro Rigot Hot wax. We are all trained in intimate waxing and will explain the procedure up-front, talking you through every step along the way.

In terms of reaction, every persons skin behaves differently to intimate waxing. You may end up with some irritation or redness as the skin can be distressed after the first couple of waxing treatments, but we offer after care advice and products that help soothe the skin.

You may also experience some itching as the hair breaks through, but effective aftercare will alleviate any discomfort.

Does Intimate Waxing Hurt?

Pain thresholds are different for each person but we have been trained in techniques that offer minimum discomfort when performing intimate waxing treatments. If you are new to waxing there may be an element of shock, but it gets easier with every treatment as the hair thins.


How Often Will You Need Intimate Waxing?

Everyone is different as it really depends on the rate of your hair growth but anything between 4-6 weeks. Regular waxing sessions ensure that your hair grows back finer and thinner as the hair follicle has less grip on the hair.

Can I Shave In Between Sessions?

You can shave but this will knock out your waxing cycle because you will need at least 4 weeks growth for an intimate wax.

How Long Should The Hair Be?

The hair needs to have a certain length (5-10mm) to be waxed and for your first few sessions the longer the hair, the easier the wax.

How Long Does An Intimate Waxing Treatment Take?

Depending on how much hair you have, a waxing treatment can take anywhere from 20 minutes to 45 minutes for a Hollywood waxing.

What Is the Difference Between Warm Wax and Hot Wax?

The warm waxing technique involves spreading wax onto the relevant areas a small section at a time. A waxing strip is pressed down onto the wax, which is then pulled off removing the hair from the root.

Working at a slightly higher temperature, hot wax is a thicker wax applied to the skin, then allowed to cool and contract. It is then peeled from the skin without any strip removing unwanted hairs.

Hot waxing tends to be better for shorter, more stubborn hairs making it more comfortable for intimate waxing.


Hot waxing for intimate areas is a treatment that gets more popular each year as more and more women discover the benefits. If you are considering intimate waxing but have concerns, this is natural.

But, we are friendly, experienced and will make you feel comfortable and do it at your pace.

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We’d love to hear from you. Please contact us using the contact form or by email or phone.

07564 640181

3 North View Crescent Epsom, Surrey, KT18 5UW